
Terms of Service

1. Purpose

These Terms of Service outline the terms, conditions, rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both users and Lab24 (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") regarding the use of the Dreamer service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by the Company.

2. Definitions

The terms used in these Terms of Service are defined as follows:

  1. "Service" refers to all online services and related ancillary services provided by the Company.
  2. "User" refers to any individual who uses the services provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms of Service.
  3. "Plan Member" refers to a user who has provided personal information to the Company and subscribed to a monthly plan for using the services provided by the Company.
  4. "General Member" refers to a user who has registered with the Company by providing personal information but has not yet subscribed to any paid services.

3. Posting and Amendment of Terms and Conditions

  1. The Company will post the contents of these Terms of Service on its website to ensure that users can easily access them. These Terms become effective when the user agrees to them during the service registration process. In the event of any creditor or debtor relationship, the terms shall apply until the completion of such obligations.
  2. The Company may amend these Terms of Service within the bounds of applicable laws if necessary. Any amended terms will be announced on the service's main page, specifying the effective date and the reasons for the amendment, at least 7 days before the effective date until the day before. However, if the amendments are unfavorable to users, the Company will provide a notice period of at least 30 days.
  3. Users have the right to reject the amended Terms of Service. If a user does not agree to the amended terms, they may discontinue using the service and terminate the service agreement. If the user continues to use the service after the effective date of the amended terms, they are deemed to have accepted the changes.

4. Formation of the Service Agreement

  1. The service agreement is established when the user agrees to the Terms of Service, applies for service use, and the Company approves the application.
  2. The Company may refuse membership applications, suspend services, or terminate the service agreement after the fact under the following circumstances:
    • If the applicant is under the age of 14.
    • If the applicant has previously lost membership status.
    • If the applicant uses another person's name or information to register, or engages in activities such as stealing another person's account or password.
    • If false information is provided.
    • If the right to use the service is rented or resold.
    • If the applicant is deemed unsuitable according to the Company's policies.
    • If the applicant infringes or is likely to infringe on the Company's property or business rights.
    • If the service is intended for illegal purposes.
  3. The Company may request real-name verification, identity authentication through a professional agency, or supporting documents depending on the type of user during the application process.
  4. The Company may withhold approval if there is insufficient service-related equipment or if technical or business issues arise.

5. Protection of Personal Information

  1. The Company strives to protect members' personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  2. The protection and use of personal information are governed by relevant laws and the Company's Privacy Policy.

6. Obligations of the Company

  1. The Company will not engage in any acts prohibited by applicable laws or these Terms of Service and will do its best to provide continuous and stable services.
  2. The Company shall make its Privacy Policy public and adhere to it to ensure that users can use the service safely.
  3. The Company will not disclose or distribute users' personal information to third parties without the user's consent, except as required by law or by a competent authority in accordance with legal procedures.
  4. The Company will provide services continuously and stably, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In the event of any facility failure or loss, the Company will repair or restore the service without delay. However, the Company may temporarily or permanently suspend the service due to unavoidable circumstances such as business or technical reasons, natural disasters, or emergencies. In such cases, the Company will notify users in advance or afterward through a website notice, phone call, text message, or email.
  5. If a user submits a valid opinion or complaint regarding the service, the Company will promptly address it.

7. User Obligations

  1. Users must comply with these Terms of Service as well as applicable laws and regulations. Users must not engage in the following actions:
    • Providing false information when applying for or modifying the service.
    • Misusing another person's personal information or payment methods.
    • Interfering with the operation of the Company's services.
    • Spreading false information that damages the Company's reputation or disrupts the operation of the services.
    • Collecting, storing, or disclosing other users' personal information.
    • Posting or transmitting information that is obscene, violent, or otherwise contrary to public order and morals.
    • Distributing viruses or other programs that cause malfunctions in service-related equipment or destroy information.
    • Engaging in business activities using the service without the Company's prior consent.
    • Engaging in other illegal or improper activities.
  2. Users may not transfer, gift, or provide their service usage rights, or other contractual positions, to others as collateral or in any similar manner without the explicit consent of the Company.
  3. Members are responsible for managing their ID, password, and payment information. The Company is not liable for any issues arising from the user's negligence in managing this information.
  4. Users must comply with applicable laws, these Terms of Service, service guidelines, notices, and any other instructions provided by the Company. Users must also refrain from engaging in any activities that disrupt the Company's operations.
  5. Users are solely responsible for any civil or criminal liabilities arising from illegal activities, such as sending spam, phishing messages, faxes, or voice messages (hereinafter referred to as "illegal spam") or failing to comply with relevant laws, such as the Telecommunications Business Act. If the Company confirms that a user has sent illegal spam, it may report the incident to the Korea Internet & Security Agency's Spam Response Center with the relevant materials attached.

8. Beta Service Use

  1. Users must comply with these Terms of Service as well as applicable laws and regulations. Users must not engage in the following actions:
  2. Users must use the service in compliance with these Terms of Service.
  3. During the beta service period, 20 GPT credits and 20 image generation credits are provided daily. One credit is deducted each time the GPT function is used, and two credits are deducted for each image generated. Credits are automatically reset daily at 00:00 UTC, and unused credits do not carry over. Once all credits are exhausted, users cannot use the respective functions further.
  4. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in principle. However, the service may be temporarily suspended due to business or technical reasons. In such cases, the Company will notify users in advance. If advance notice is not possible due to unavoidable circumstances, the Company will provide notice afterward.
  5. Matters related to service use not specified in these Terms of Service shall be governed by the guidelines posted on the Company's website or separately announced by the Company.

9. Payment of Service Fees and Payment Methods

  1. By clicking the ‘Pay’ button for paid services, the member agrees to the Terms of Service, and a paid service agreement is established, with the service fee being charged accordingly. The charging and payment of fees follow the policies or methods determined by the payment method selected by the member.
  2. Members may pay for paid services using various payment methods such as prepaid cards, debit cards, and credit cards. The Company does not charge any additional fees beyond the cost of the paid service for any payment method used by the member.
  3. Unless otherwise specified by the Company within the service, paid services commence upon the completion of payment by the member.
  4. The service fee will be automatically charged monthly through the payment method registered by the member. The payment will be automatically processed on the same date the following month, and the service period will be automatically renewed. If the specified payment date does not exist in a given month, the payment will be processed on the last day of that month.

10. Withdrawal of Subscription

  1. A user who has entered into a contract for the purchase of paid services with the Company may withdraw from the subscription within 7 days from the later of the payment date or the date the content becomes available, provided that the paid service has not been used.
  2. When a user withdraws from a subscription, the Company will verify the purchase details through the payment provider. Additionally, the Company may contact the member to verify the legitimate reason for the withdrawal and may request additional evidence. The transaction may be suspended or canceled until verification is complete or if the transaction cannot be verified.
  3. Refunds for credit card payments are generally processed as a card cancellation. Refunds will be requested from the payment processor within 3 business days (Korean time) after the user’s refund request. If the request is made after 6 p.m. on a Friday, it may be processed the following business day, excluding public holidays and Sundays.

11. Refund of Overpayments

  1. If an overpayment occurs, the Company will refund the overpaid amount to the member. However, if the overpayment is due to the Company's fault, the full amount will be refunded. If the overpayment is due to the member's fault, the member shall bear the cost of the refund process.
  2. The Company may cancel the payment or refund the amount through the payment method selected by the member.
  3. The Company may contact the member using the information provided by the member to process the refund of overpayments and may request the necessary information for processing.

12. Changes to the Service

  1. The Company may change all or part of the services it provides for legitimate reasons, such as policy, operational, or technical needs. Unless otherwise provided by relevant laws, no separate compensation will be provided to users for such changes.
  2. If there are changes to the content, usage methods, or usage time of the service, the Company will notify users of the reason for the change, the details of the changed service, and the date of provision in advance, in accordance with Article 10 of these Terms of Service.

13. Restrictions and Suspension of Service Use

  1. The Company may restrict or suspend a user’s access to the service if the user violates the obligations set forth in these Terms of Service or interferes with the normal operation of the service.
  2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Company may immediately restrict or permanently suspend service use if the following violations, as stipulated by relevant laws, are detected:
    • Identity theft.
    • Installation, provision, or interference with the operation of illegal programs in violation of copyright laws.
    • Violations of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, such as:
      • Attempts to illegally use, manipulate, or alter data.
      • Illegal communication attempts that impose excessive burdens on the system or involve the transmission of malicious programs.
      • Attempts to scrape services or service information using bots or scripts.
      • Attempts to disrupt the normal operation of the service or to leak information through unauthorized hacking.
      • Attempts to bypass or exceed the access rights granted by the service.
      • Accessing the service using modified devices (e.g., rooted or jailbroken devices).
      • Altering, damaging, disassembling, decompiling, or reverse-engineering the service.
      • Intentionally inducing or exploiting malfunctions or bugs in the service.
      • Any other actions that the Company deems inappropriate.
  3. If the violations outlined in Article 16(2) are detected and the Company imposes sanctions according to this article, the Company will not compensate the member for any damages incurred due to the inability to use the service. Additionally, the Company will not issue any refunds or compensation related to the member’s use of paid services.

14. Service Interruption

  1. The Company may restrict or interrupt all or part of the service under the following circumstances:
    • When unavoidable due to the relocation, inspection, maintenance, or construction of service facilities.
    • When the normal use of the service is disrupted due to facility malfunction or a surge in service usage.
    • When it is impossible to provide the service due to natural disasters, power outages, or other force majeure events.
    • When the Company is unable to maintain the service due to circumstances such as the termination of contracts with partners.
    • When the Company deems it inappropriate to continue providing the service due to other significant reasons.
  2. The Company may conduct regular maintenance on the service if necessary, and the regular maintenance schedule will be announced within the service.
  3. If the service is unstable or requires urgent improvements, the Company may conduct emergency maintenance, and the maintenance schedule will be announced within the service.
  4. The Company may discontinue the service due to significant business reasons, such as the transfer, division, or merger of the Company’s business, the expiration of content provision contracts, or a significant decline in the profitability of the service. In such cases, the Company will notify members of the service discontinuation date and reasons through the service interface at least 30 days prior to the discontinuation date.

15. Provision of Information

The Company may provide members with various information that it deems necessary during service use via email, postal mail, or other methods. However, for information that constitutes advertising, the Company will obtain the member's consent to receive such communications.

16. Content Management

  1. The Company may review public content to determine whether it violates the law or AI ethics guidelines. If the content is reasonably deemed to violate the Company's policies or laws, the Company may delete or refuse to post the content as follows:
    • If the content includes materials that violate relevant laws, such as the Information and Communications Network Act or the Copyright Act.
    • If the content includes materials that violate the Youth Protection Act.
    • If the content contains severe insults or defamatory statements towards other members or third parties.
    • If the content is objectively recognized as being linked to criminal activities.
    • If the content violates other relevant laws or the terms of this agreement.
  2. The Company will make efforts to delete or refuse to post content generated through the service that falls under the categories mentioned in the preceding paragraph. However, due to the nature of the service, the Company is not legally liable for the generated content despite its efforts to delete or refuse to post it.

17. Attribution of Copyright and Other Rights

  1. The copyright, patent rights, and other intellectual property rights related to the service itself belong to the Company. However, the intellectual property rights of data posted or registered by users during service use belong to the users.
  2. Due to the nature of the service, the Company does not guarantee that content created through the service’s functions does not infringe upon the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties. The user is responsible for any liabilities arising from the use of content created using the service's functions.
  3. The Company may use posts made by members within the service and content generated through the service's functions for purposes such as displaying them within the service, promoting the service, operating and improving the service, and researching new services. The Company may store, reproduce, modify, publicly transmit, display, distribute, and create derivative works from such content.
  4. If a post made by a member within the service infringes on the copyrights or program copyrights of others, and a deletion request or legal action is initiated by the affected party, the Company may delete the post or take other necessary actions.
  5. Members are responsible for all liabilities arising from the infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, including copyrights, through content they create.
  6. This article remains effective as long as the Company operates the service and continues to apply even after a member's withdrawal.

18. Protection of Services and Related Matters

  1. Users may not reproduce the service or disclose service-related information externally without permission.
  2. Users are prohibited from creating or selling similar solutions during or after the service agreement period. Indirect acts of creation or sale through third parties will also be considered actions of the user.
  3. Unless the Company has entered into a separate written agreement granting explicit rights to use the brand features of the services provided by the Company, users do not have the right to use the Company's trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features.
  4. Unauthorized crawling, scraping, caching, or accessing of the Company's content, as well as mirroring it on other websites or media, is prohibited. The Company reserves the right to block access related to prohibited activities such as crawling, scraping, and caching at its sole discretion.
  5. Users may not resell the content provided by the Company for commercial purposes.
  6. Violation of this article will result in civil and criminal legal liability for the user.

19. Dispute Resolution

  1. These Terms of Service are governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea.
  2. Any disputes arising between the Company and the user in relation to service use shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.
  3. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, for users with addresses or residences outside of Korea, any disputes arising between the Company and the user shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Seoul Central District Court of Korea.
    • These Terms of Service shall take effect on July 1, 2024.